Welcome to AST 2018

13th IEEE/ACM International Workshop on Automation of Software Test
In Conjunction with ICSE 2018 (https://www.icse2018.org/)
Gothenburg, Sweden. May 28-29, 2018
Slides from all presentations now available in the program page.
AST 2018 Keynotes by Prof. Hong Zu and Prof. Wei Xu
Conference program is available!
A special issue of AST2018 will be published on the Software Quality Journal.
Hello testers!
In software development practice, testing accounts for as much as 50% of the total development effort.
It is therefore imperative to reduce the cost and improve the effectiveness of software testing by automating the testing process.
In the past decades, a great amount of research effort has been spent on automatic test case generation, automatic test selection, automatic test oracles, etc.
and there has been a rapid growth of practices in using automated software testing tools.
The practice of software test automation (TA) has also moved forward significantly in the past few years, from what was just recording manual testing activities and replaying recorded test scripts for regression testing to systematically (but still manually) developing test code that is executed in some framework of TA tools, such as JUnit. A large number of software test tools have been developed and become available on the market. However, progress in TA is still required.
AST 2018 is the 13th edition of the ICSE workshop series since its establishment in 2006, and its subject of test automation remains still relevant and actively studied. Authors are invited to submit their original work on topics including, but not limited to, the methodology, technology development and transfer, software tools and environments, and experience reports related to software test automation.
The special theme of AST 2018 will be "AI in testing and testing of AI”.
It will provide researchers and practitioners with a forum for exchanging ideas, experiences, understanding of the problems, visions for the future, and promising solutions to the problems. The workshop will also provide a platform for researchers and developers of testing tools to work together to identify the problems in the theory and practice of software test automation and to set an agenda and lay the foundation for future development.